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Focus Nutritional Medicine

Personal Trainer

BHSc (Nutritional Medicine); AFMPC; Certified Integrative Oncology; ANTA; ANutr; Sports Sc (ACHPER); ASCTA; Cert IV TAE Having personal experience with multiple complicated health issues, I am passionate about helping people to achieve optimum health through diet and exercise. After spending my youth, teenage and young adult years as an athlete in multiple sports, I decided to dedicate my career to the fitness industry , educating, coaching and mentoring children , adolescence and adults for over 25 years. I then decided to do further studies in Nutritional Medicine to be able to offer clients a broader approach to improving health and wellbeing. I have studied Integrative Oncology and Functional Medicine at The “Institute of Function Medicine” in America to become Western Australias Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. I also mentor athletes to achieve there goals through addressing their nutritional intake and looking at their exercise requirements, lifestyle and how these impact on the symptoms they present with. Working with Western Medicine in those patients with chronic illness, we endeavour to support the body through clinical, holistic , integrative and functional nutrition to support all the body’s systems. With a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional Medicine) and other tertiary qualifications in fitness, I utilise an evidence-based approach and the latest scientific research to formulate personalised individual treatment plans for my clients, no matter what symptoms or medical issues they’re dealing with. I have a strong background in Sports nutrition and treating clients with autoimmune conditions, mental health problems, children’s health, endocrinological disorders, cancer, rare diseases and gut disorders. I am dedicated to helping my clients, no matter how complicated their health concerns may be. I’ve spent many years helping others including my family and friends overcome their health challenges as well as my own health issues. I am a compassionate and non-judgemental practitioner with experience dealing with a wide range of symptoms and medical conditions. If you’re looking for a functional medicine clinician or tailored nutrition, fitness advice, or you feel like you’ve tried everything to get better and have had no joy, contact me today for a consult. My FOCUS is to listen to my patients and identifying the cause of the symptom(s), I endeavour to help patients understand what is happening and FOCUS on re-educating them to acquire optimum health and wellbeing and prevent further heath problems or chronic disease.





Diana Boot


Diana is a Pharmacist and Naturopath with many years experience helping people manage their health with an integrative approach. She can help you to use diet, lifestyle and complementary medicines to optimise your health, either with or without pharmaceutical medicines. Often the aim of treatment is to avoid or reduce your dependence on prescription medicines, and as an integrative pharmacist, Diana is uniquely placed to help you do this safely. Diana has a kind and caring approach, and will listen to your concerns with empathy and genuine intent to help you towards wholesome good health.


Kim Harris Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

ABOUT KIM: Kim has been a practitioner of Oriental Medicine for the past 20 years. Her approach incorporates a unique combination of all of the Oriental healing techniques, not just Traditional Chinese Medicine. This supports her clients to restore balance and harmony with treatment plans that acknowledge their own particular lives and needs. These plans may draw on: • Acupuncture, Cupping and Moxibustion • Chinese Patent Herbal Medicine • Oriental Nutritional Medicine • Massage/Bodywork • Oriental Counselling • I-Ching Astrology • Feng Shui – Inner/Outer alignment KIM’S FOCUS: Kim’s focus is to assist others to recover wholeness, accept increased responsibility for their health problems and develop an understanding of how to deal with their health challenges more effectively. This approach of treating, educating and maintaining is one she uses every day in her own life. KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE: Kim understands the impact of daily life on all levels: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. She came to Oriental Medicine after 13 years working in a high demand environment in the finance sector, has built an effective business while juggling the demands of being a mum and now brings 20 years of experience supporting clients to transform their health and well-being. Kim has a deep understanding of the causes of disease and illness as well as a love of exploring and learning from daily experiences … something she has nurtured since childhood. Supported by this wisdom (and a safe and trusting space) Kim’s clients have the opportunity to make connections between their inner and outer worlds, transforming their health and well-being beyond the level of symptoms. Kim takes into account all areas of a client’s life including lifestyle, diet and nutrition, environment, stress and emotions.


Jean Jarrett Natural Health

Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner

Jean has always been interested in eating nourishing food and managing her family’s health and wellbeing with natural therapies. She believes strongly in ‘food as medicine’ and works with her clients to educate them and help them implement dietary changes in ways that suit their busy lifestyle. Jean’s practice focuses on: • Gut health • Female reproductive health • Pre-conception and pregnancy nutrition • Natural fertility and IVF support • Thyroid disorders • Children’s health and nutrition • Mental health conditions • Learning disorders Jean teaches the Buteyko method of breathing re-training to both groups and individual clients. Buteyko breathing is highly beneficial for clients with conditions such learning disorders, asthma, sinusitis, sleep apnoea, snoring, reflux, IBS, and anxiety. Jean also utilizes the powerful medicinal properties of herbs to address dysregulation of body systems and enhance energy production. Where appropriate Jean uses functional testing to gain a greater understanding of her clients’ health status. She finds testing can be particularly useful when treating hormonal imbalance, food allergies and intolerances, mood disorders and to identify genetic predispositions.


Tobey Wilder

Executive Health Coach

I am a degree qualified clinical nutritionist, health coach and counsellor. I support my clients from where you are now, to where they want to be. As a Nutritionist I utilise a holistic, functional medicine and evidenced based approach looking at your health, goals and creating a personal treatment plan in consultation with you. This way the changes you make over the next 3-6 or even 12 months are easy to stick to, and therefore your results are maintainable. I have recently started to offer individual counselling sessions and will begin holding group sessions soon. I conduct one-on-one nutrition consultations, a 12-week nutrition program, 8-week groups programs and information sessions. Consultations are currently available via Telehealth or in-person in Balgowlah, NSW. I am a Certified Practicing Nutritionist with AARPN and a recognised allied health professional. Health fund rebates are available with most funds, and I am also an unregistered NDIS provider.


Your Gut Feeling


Annaleise Collier is a Sydney-based Accreditted Practising Dietitian (APD) and Nutritionist (AN). She holds a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics with Honors from the University of Wollongong, Australia. Annaleise has worked as a clinical Dietitian at Prince of Wales Hospital for 6+ years and founded Your Gut Feeling Dietetics in 2021. Through a personalised approach, Annaleise shares science-based and thoughtful nutrition advice to help empower her clients to make lasting lifestyle changes to improve their diet and quality of life.


Rachel Freeman

Credentialled Diabetes Educator

Rachel is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian and Credentialled Diabetes Educator with over 15 years experience in management of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight management, food allergies and intolerances, nutrition in aged care, gut health, and overall general nutrition advice. Rachel has a keen interest in fitness, also having a Certificate III in Fitness. Rachel regularly writes for Diabetic Living magazine and the Australian Diabetes Educator (ADE) publication.


Rise Nutritional Medicine


I am a Certified Practising Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine. I am passionate about helping people live a vital, healthy and happy life. My areas of special interest are gastrointestinal health, addiction, mental health, pain management, arthritic conditions, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, healthy ageing, metabolic syndrome, weight loss and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. The right diet and lifestyle can increase your health span, not just your lifespan.
