Charis Brown

Charis Brown Natural Nutrition

Nutritionist Registered Nurse

Professional Memberships

  • Nutrition Society of Australia (NSA)
  • The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)

Business Registration Details

  • Charis Brown Natural Nutrition
  • ABN/ACN: 84719360506


My passion for achieving health through nutrition began in my own health journey, where I have benefited considerably from using ‘food as medicine’ and regaining control of my own health.

I am passionate about 'empowering women to regain energy and perform at peak' using a natural nutrition approach. I love to enable women to improve their energy, reduce fatigue and clear their brain fog through eating the right foods and fuelling in the right way.

On a professional level, I have worked with helping people manage and regain their health for nearly 20 years in the capacity as nutritionist and Nurse Clinician. I have post graduate qualifications in Human Nutrition, Performance Nutrition and a Masters in Public Health. I have also completed additional training in Nutrition for Peri/menopause for active women to reshape nutrition and training in this demographic.

During a consultation together, we take a whole person view and not just focusing on symptoms. I combine evidenced based nutrition with your goals to help get you there!

I work with doctors and specialists of all modalities along with other allied health practitioners to achieve best outcomes.

I’d love to help you!