Emily Gardem

Emily Gardem Nutrition


Professional Memberships

  • Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)

Business Registration Details

  • Emily Gardem Nutrition
  • ABN/ACN: 54865867528


I am a degree qualified Clinical Nutritionist, and trained Chef with over 20 years experience in the kitchen. I love food, and i love nutrition and what better way then to combine the two together!

I learnt the hard way several years ago what extreme stress can do to the body. After working hard as a chef for 15 years, I found myself to be burnt out, highly stressed and constantly exhausted - i didn't recognise myself in the mirror any more. I wasn't well, miserable and had lost direction in my life. After falling pregnant with my first child, i had the wake-up call or “sliding doors” moment I needed - this was not the way I wanted to live anymore.

I realised that my passion lay with natural health, and decided to focus solely on my degree.Today, i am a different person, and am so passionate about helping others be the best versions of themselves that they can, that they can be happy, healthy and stress free!

What i will do:
* Show you that eating well does not mean bland, boring, or expensive
* Encourage positive relationships between food and body image
* Tailor nutrition and treatment plans specific to your individual needs - there is no one size fits all approach
* Explain in detail the benefits of good nutrition, and why they are specially important to you
What i won't do:

* Use the word “diet” ( its all about dietary modifications)
* Ban chocolate or sometime's foods completely from your diet (we all need balance in our lives, and food is to be enjoyed! - its all about moderation!)
* Set unrealistic goals