Kate Driver

Kate Driver naturopath and women's health coach


Professional Memberships

  • Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)

Clinic Address

  • Full address available after making a booking.

Business Registration Details

  • Kate Driver naturopath and women's health coach
  • ABN/ACN: 64659256789
Map Not Available


I am a caring & compassionate qualified naturopath, consulting since the year the 2000. I specialise in women's healthin including hormones, gut issues, thyroid and adrenal issues.
I consult in clinic in South Australia and online and I offer programs and courses.
Look out for my regular online workshops/webinars.
Check out my website for my blogs and videos on all areas of health, but particularly gut and hormone health.
Check out my websites for more information here >>>https://katedrivernaturopath.com.au/
and for women over 40 and in perimenopause>>>> https://theperimenopausepractitioner.com/