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Katie Barron

Certified Practicing Nutritionist

Katie is an experienced naturopath, as well as lecturing at a university level and providing clinical mentoring to other natural health practitioners. Via online consultation, Katie helps women navigate their health, including hormones, stress, weight and energy levels in a caring environment. All consultations include individualised treatment protocols including prescriptions (this might include herbs, nutritional supplements and compounds), diet, lifestyle changes and movement - as tailored to YOUR time, budget and lifestyle constraints. As a busy mum, wife and business owner, I understand the importance of balancing needing to change and the practicalities of 'life'.


Nikky May


Gut health is the foundation for overall well-being. I'm a qualified nutritionist with a passion for improving gut health, managing food intolerances, and promoting healthy eating habits through education. Currently based in beautiful Western Australia, I have dedicated years to studying and refining my expertise in nutrition and well-being. My nutritional consultation service offers a brief yet targeted initial session to set you on the path to better gut health, healthier eating, and/or managing food intolerances. It sets the foundation for my comprehensive diet analysis and tailored nutritional planning. However, the heart of my service lies in the meticulous work done after we talk, where I analyse your diet and develop personalised instructions for sustainable improvements. This approach ensures that my recommendations are not just general advice but a detailed guide to transforming your relationship with food and achieving your goals. With a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and human biology and a Postgraduate Diploma of Human Nutrition under my belt, I possess a solid foundation of knowledge in the field. Additionally, I hold a Professional Certification in Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health, which allows me to approach nutrition from a holistic standpoint, considering both physical and mental well-being. Currently I am completing my Master Degree of Human Nutrition. My goal is to empower individuals to take control of their health by making informed dietary choices. I believe that a healthy gut is the foundation for overall well-being, and I am committed to helping my clients take control through education. Knowledge is power!


Susan Lintott


With over 15 years of Naturopathic experience, Susan has enjoyed helping many families and individuals restore their health and improve their lives. Susan treats all conditions including digestive complaints, mild anxiety and depression, insomnia, immune disfunction, skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, children's health and more.


Suzi Christl


Hi, I’m Suzi - a qualified functional nutritionist (BHSc Nutritional Medicine), personal trainer, pilates instructor and health retreat facilitator for Fit Food Relax Retreat. I was trained to look beyond the symptoms you might be experiencing, to get to the root cause of your health concerns. Once identified, I will work with you to try and correct the underlying problem, rather than masking it with a band-aid solution. I use evidence-based knowledge and naturopathic philosophies for a holistic approach to health and wellness. This includes the latest research in food as medicine, nutritional supplements and mindfulness-based techniques. Whilst I treat a range of health concerns and disorders, I have a particular interest in gut health, skin conditions, hormonal and reproductive health, including preconception, fertility, and menopause as well as weight loss. I am a compassionate and nurturing practitioner and trainer, who is dedicated to having you feeling, looking, moving and, thinking better.


Deborah Van Lith

Certified Practicing Nutritionist

Hello my name is Debbie and I am a Clinical Nutritionist (BHSc Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine) based in Perth Western Australia. I am passionate about preventing and supporting chronic disease conditions using food as medicine. My special interest is Gut Health. Although it might seem that Gut Health would mainly impact digestion, scientists are discovering that the gut microbiome can actually affect your overall health. As well as digestive disorders, Gut Health can impact ability to lose weight, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, allergies, autoimmune conditions, allergies, hormone regulation, mental health disorders, cancer and the aging process. More than 2,000 years ago Hippocrates famously stated that ‘All Disease Begins in the Gut’. Thousands of years later, research continues to confirm that Hippocrates was definitely onto something. While all disease doesn’t literally start in the gut, many diseases do in fact start with gastrointestinal disturbances or imbalances. These findings highlight the fact that you cannot achieve optimal health without a healthy gut. As an evidence-based clinical practitioner, I use the latest scientific research to provide holistic client care and focusing on the cause of your presenting condition. I work one-on-one with clients to develop individualised treatment plans and diet strategies that improve quality of life and wellbeing. Having a background in the food industry, I am passionate about tasty food options that are good for your health and enjoyable to eat. In addition, I love cooking and developing healthy recipes for WELL AZ Kitchen. WELL AZ Clinical Nutrition is your one place for everything from A-Z of Clinical Nutrition to help you get back to feeling as WELL AZ. Make a BOOKING for a free 15 minute chat to discuss your Nutritional needs, I'm available at my home clinic, online or can do home visits.


Bronwyn Green


I am a helper. My early career was in Sales and Operational Management, which required me to help people get things done and achieve their goals. That is what I do as a health professional - I help you along your health journey to achieve your goals in a way that is sustainable for you. I am passionate about nutrition and have a special interest in gut health, acne and rosacea. I've experienced these first hand, which you can read about in my blog here: I understand the demands of juggling family and a high-pressure job, and how it takes a toll on ones health. So come and work with me to take back your health! I've done the degree and I can empathise with your lifestyle, so I can help you integrate it all together, one step at a time.


Samantha Brenchley

Personal Trainer


Jeannette Scapens


I Support and empower women in their prime to better health, more energy & to feel great! I am a qualified Holistic Women's Wellness Naturopath, Metabolic Balance Coach (Personalised Nutrition Program for Wellness/Weight Loss), NLP Practitioner/Coach, Time Line Therapy (R) Practitioner & Hypnotist. My focus areas with additional certification & experience in Weight Loss, Quitting bad habits, Thyroid Recovery, Peri/Menopause but I can help with most health issues. Let me support you.


Lawrey Calabro


Thyroid issues in women Weight loss – especially when nothing seems to work Autoimmune conditions Hormonal imbalances Lawrey is a dedicated Naturopath with a strong desire to help women be healthy and able to embrace life with enthusiasm, joy and energy. So that they can live their potential – as mothers, partners, business owners or at work. Lawrey is passionate about listening to her patients and finding the real cause of the problem. Often women are offered band aid treatments for symptoms rather than a true healing solution that will provide lasting improvements in their health and vitality. Lawrey has extensive experience with over 20 years as a Naturopath focused on women’s health and hormonal imbalances. Lawrey is fascinated by how hormones can have such a big impact on body composition and metabolism – with hormonal imbalances leading to roadblocks in losing weight – despite a healthy diet or exercise. BHSc Naturopathy, Dip Nutrition, Dip Herbal Medicine, Certified GAPS Practitioner, Poliquin Biosignature Practitioner